Confidential Client – Biologic Pilot Plant
PennsylvaniaThe 30,000sf biological processing plant delivers liquid vessel-based R&D capabilities to meet FDA cGMP requirements for scale-up pilot plant production. Features included 250, 500 & 1000 liter bioreactors with capability to add 2000 liter reactors. Commissioned & validated systems: WFI Still & Distribution, RODI Water, Clean Steam Generator, Compressed Gasses, Carbon Dioxide, Autoclave & Parts Washer, Laminar Flow Modules, and Process Automation System. Additional systems: Softened Water, Redundant Steam Boilers, (2) 650kW 480V Generators , 480V/4000Amp ASCO Paralleling Switchgear, UPS, Waste Neutralization, 2 Glycol & Chiller Water and Distribution, Heating Hot Water & Distribution, 5 AHUs, and Siemens BAS.
Architect: Integrated Project Services
Engineer: Mainstay Engineering Group